Process classes.
Classes for build and run processes.
import asyncio
import logging
import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from chatsky_ui.core.config import settings
from chatsky_ui.core.logger_config import get_logger, setup_logging
from chatsky_ui.db.base import read_conf, write_conf
from chatsky_ui.schemas.process_status import Status
PING_PONG_TIMEOUT = float(os.getenv("PING_PONG_TIMEOUT", 0.5))
def _map_to_str(params: Dict[str, Any]):
for k, v in params.items():
if isinstance(v, datetime):
params[k] = v.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
elif isinstance(v, Path):
params[k] = str(v)
[docs]class Process(ABC):
"""Base for build and run processes."""
def __init__(self, id_: int, preset_end_status: str = ""):
self.id: int = id_
self.preset_end_status: str = preset_end_status
self.status: Status = Status.NULL
self.timestamp: datetime = datetime.now()
self.log_path: Path
self.lock: asyncio.Lock = asyncio.Lock()
self.process: asyncio.subprocess.Process # pylint: disable=no-member #TODO: is naming ok?
self.logger: logging.Logger
[docs] async def start(self, cmd_to_run: str) -> None:
"""Starts an asyncronous process with the given command."""
self.process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
[docs] async def get_full_info(self, attributes: list) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the values of the attributes mentioned in the list.
attributes (list): A list of attributes to get the values of.
dict: A dictionary containing the values of the attributes mentioned in the list.
await self.check_status()
info = {key: getattr(self, key) for key in self.__dict__ if key in attributes}
if "status" in attributes:
info["status"] = self.status.value
return info
[docs] @abstractmethod
async def update_db_info(self):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def periodically_check_status(self) -> None:
"""Periodically checks the process status and updates the database."""
while True:
await self.update_db_info() # check status and update db
self.logger.info("Status of process '%s': %s", self.id, self.status)
if self.status in [Status.STOPPED, Status.COMPLETED, Status.FAILED]:
await asyncio.sleep(2) # TODO: ?sleep time shouldn't be constant
[docs] async def check_status(self) -> Status:
"""Returns the process current status.
- Status.NULL: When a process is initiated but not started yet. This condition is unusual and typically
indicates incorrect usage or a process misuse in backend logic.
- Status.ALIVE: process is alive and ready to communicate
- Status.RUNNING: process is still trying to get alive. no communication
- Status.COMPLETED: returncode is 0
- Status.FAILED: returncode is 1
- Status.STOPPED: returncode is -15
- Status.FAILED_WITH_UNEXPECTED_CODE: failed with other returncode
if self.process is None:
self.status = Status.NULL
# if process is already alive, don't interrupt potential open channels by checking status periodically.
elif self.process.returncode is None:
if self.status == Status.ALIVE:
self.status = Status.ALIVE
if await self.is_alive():
self.status = Status.ALIVE
self.status = Status.RUNNING
elif self.process.returncode == 0:
self.status = Status.COMPLETED
elif self.process.returncode == 1:
self.status = Status.FAILED
elif self.process.returncode == -15:
self.status = Status.STOPPED
"Unexpected code was returned: '%s'. A non-zero return code indicates an error.",
if self.status not in [Status.NULL, Status.RUNNING, Status.ALIVE, Status.STOPPED]:
stdout, stderr = await self.process.communicate()
if stdout:
if stderr:
return self.status
[docs] async def stop(self) -> None:
"""Stops the process.
ProcessLookupError: If the process doesn't exist or already exited.
RuntimeError: If the process has not started yet.
if self.process is None: # Check if a process has been started
self.logger.error("Cannot stop a process '%s' that has not started yet.", self.id)
raise RuntimeError
self.logger.debug("Terminating process '%s'", self.id)
await asyncio.wait_for(self.process.wait(), timeout=GRACEFUL_TERMINATION_TIMEOUT)
self.logger.debug("Process '%s' was gracefully terminated.", self.id)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await self.process.wait()
self.logger.debug("Process '%s' was forcefully killed.", self.id)
self.logger.debug("Process returencode '%s' ", self.process.returncode)
except ProcessLookupError as exc:
self.logger.error("Process '%s' not found. It may have already exited.", self.id)
raise ProcessLookupError from exc
[docs] async def read_stdout(self) -> bytes:
"""Reads the stdout of the process for communication."""
async with self.lock:
if self.process is None:
self.logger.error("Cannot read stdout from a process '%s' that has not started yet.", self.id)
raise RuntimeError
if self.process.stdout is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"The process '{self.id}' stdout is None. It might be still running.")
return await self.process.stdout.readline()
[docs] async def write_stdin(self, message: bytes) -> None:
"""Writes a message to the stdin of the process for communication."""
if self.process is None:
self.logger.error("Cannot write into stdin of a process '%s' that has not started yet.", self.id)
raise RuntimeError
if self.process.stdin is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"The process '{self.id}' stdin is None. It might be still running.")
await self.process.stdin.drain()
[docs] async def is_alive(self) -> bool:
"""Checks if the process is alive by writing to stdin andreading its stdout."""
message = b"Hi\n"
# Attempt to write and read from the process with a timeout.
await self.write_stdin(message)
output = await asyncio.wait_for(self.read_stdout(), timeout=PING_PONG_TIMEOUT)
if not output:
return False
self.logger.debug("Process is alive and output afer communication is: %s", output.decode())
return True
except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError:
self.logger.debug("Process is still running.")
return False
[docs]class RunProcess(Process):
"""Process for running a DFF pipeline."""
def __init__(self, id_: int, build_id: int, preset_end_status: str = ""):
super().__init__(id_, preset_end_status)
self.build_id: int = build_id
self.log_path: Path = setup_logging("runs", self.id, self.timestamp)
self.logger = get_logger(str(id_), self.log_path)
[docs] async def get_full_info(self, attributes: Optional[list] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if attributes is None:
attributes = ["id", "preset_end_status", "status", "timestamp", "log_path", "build_id"]
return await super().get_full_info(attributes)
[docs] async def update_db_info(self) -> None:
# save current run info into runs_path
self.logger.debug("Updating db run info")
runs_conf = await read_conf(settings.runs_path)
run_params = await self.get_full_info()
for run in runs_conf:
if run.id == run_params["id"]: # type: ignore
for key, value in run_params.items():
setattr(run, key, value)
await write_conf(runs_conf, settings.runs_path)
# save current run id into the correspoinding build in builds_path
builds_conf = await read_conf(settings.builds_path)
for build in builds_conf:
if build.id == run_params["build_id"]: # type: ignore
if run_params["id"] not in build.run_ids: # type: ignore
build.run_ids.append(run_params["id"]) # type: ignore
await write_conf(builds_conf, settings.builds_path)
[docs]class BuildProcess(Process):
"""Process for converting a frontned graph to a DFF script."""
def __init__(self, id_: int, preset_end_status: str = ""):
super().__init__(id_, preset_end_status)
self.run_ids: List[int] = []
self.log_path: Path = setup_logging("builds", self.id, self.timestamp)
self.logger = get_logger(str(id_), self.log_path)
[docs] async def get_full_info(self, attributes: Optional[list] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if attributes is None:
attributes = ["id", "preset_end_status", "status", "timestamp", "log_path", "run_ids"]
return await super().get_full_info(attributes)
[docs] async def update_db_info(self) -> None:
# save current build info into builds_path
builds_conf = await read_conf(settings.builds_path)
build_params = await self.get_full_info()
for build in builds_conf:
if build.id == build_params["id"]: # type: ignore
for key, value in build_params.items():
setattr(build, key, value)
await write_conf(builds_conf, settings.builds_path)