Websocket class for controling websocket operations.
import asyncio
from asyncio.tasks import Task
from typing import Dict, List, Set
from fastapi import WebSocket, WebSocketDisconnect
from chatsky_ui.core.logger_config import get_logger
from chatsky_ui.services.process_manager import ProcessManager
[docs]class WebSocketManager:
"""Controls websocket operations connect, disconnect, check status, and communicate."""
def __init__(self):
self.pending_tasks: Dict[WebSocket, Set[Task]] = dict()
self.active_connections: List[WebSocket] = []
self._logger = None
def logger(self):
if self._logger is None:
raise ValueError("Logger has not been configured. Call set_logger() first.")
return self._logger
[docs] def set_logger(self):
self._logger = get_logger(__name__)
[docs] async def connect(self, websocket: WebSocket):
"""Accepts the websocket connection and marks it as active connection."""
await websocket.accept()
[docs] def disconnect(self, websocket: WebSocket):
"""Cancels pending tasks of the open websocket process and removes it from active connections."""
# TODO: await websocket.close()
if websocket in self.pending_tasks:
self.logger.info("Cancelling pending tasks")
for task in self.pending_tasks[websocket]:
del self.pending_tasks[websocket]
[docs] def check_status(self, websocket: WebSocket):
if websocket in self.active_connections:
return websocket # return Status!
[docs] async def send_process_output_to_websocket(
self, run_id: int, process_manager: ProcessManager, websocket: WebSocket
"""Reads and forwards process output to the websocket client."""
while True:
response = await process_manager.processes[run_id].read_stdout()
if not response:
await websocket.send_text(response.decode().strip())
except WebSocketDisconnect:
self.logger.info("Websocket connection is closed by client")
except RuntimeError:
[docs] async def forward_websocket_messages_to_process(
self, run_id: int, process_manager: ProcessManager, websocket: WebSocket
"""Listens for messages from the websocket and sends them to the process."""
while True:
user_message = await websocket.receive_text()
if not user_message:
await process_manager.processes[run_id].write_stdin(user_message.encode() + b"\n")
except asyncio.CancelledError:
self.logger.info("Websocket connection is closed")
except WebSocketDisconnect:
self.logger.info("Websocket connection is closed by client")
except RuntimeError: