Source code for

from pathlib import Path

import pytest
from omegaconf import OmegaConf

RUN_ID = 42

[docs]class TestRunManager:
[docs] @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_start(self, mocker, preset, run_manager): # noqa: F811 # Mock the RunProcess constructor whereever it's called in # the process_manager file within the scope of this test function run_process = mocker.patch("") run_process_instance = run_process.return_value run_process_instance.start = mocker.AsyncMock() run_manager.get_full_info = mocker.AsyncMock(return_value=[{"id": RUN_ID}]) await run_manager.start(build_id=BUILD_ID, preset=preset) run_process.assert_called_once_with(run_manager.last_id, BUILD_ID, preset.end_status) run_process_instance.start.assert_awaited_once_with( f"chatsky.ui run_bot --build-id {BUILD_ID} " f"--preset {preset.end_status} " f"--project-dir ." ) assert run_manager.processes[run_manager.last_id] is run_process_instance
[docs] @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_stop_success(self, mocker, run_manager): run_manager.processes[RUN_ID] = mocker.MagicMock() run_manager.processes[RUN_ID].stop = mocker.AsyncMock() await run_manager.stop(RUN_ID) run_manager.processes[RUN_ID].stop.assert_awaited_once_with()
[docs] @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_stop_with_error(self, run_manager): with pytest.raises((RuntimeError, ProcessLookupError)): await run_manager.stop(RUN_ID)
# def test_check_status(self, run_manager, preset): # pass
[docs] @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_get_process_info(self, mocker, run_manager): df_conf = OmegaConf.create( f""" - id: {RUN_ID} status: stopped """ ) df_conf_dict = { "id": RUN_ID, "status": "stopped", } read_conf = mocker.patch("") read_conf.return_value = df_conf run_info = await run_manager.get_run_info(RUN_ID) assert run_info == df_conf_dict
[docs] @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_get_full_info(self, mocker, run_manager): df_conf = OmegaConf.create( f""" - id: {RUN_ID} status: stopped - id: {RUN_ID + 1} status: stopped """ ) df_conf_dict = { "id": RUN_ID, "status": "stopped", } read_conf = mocker.patch("") read_conf.return_value = df_conf run_info = await run_manager.get_full_info(0, 1) assert run_info == [df_conf_dict]
[docs] @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_fetch_run_logs(self, mocker, run_manager): LOG_PATH = Path("path/to/log") run_manager.get_process_info = mocker.AsyncMock(return_value={"id": RUN_ID, "log_path": LOG_PATH}) read_logs = mocker.patch("", return_value=["log1", "log2"]) logs = await run_manager.fetch_run_logs(RUN_ID, 0, 1) run_manager.get_process_info.assert_awaited_once() read_logs.assert_awaited_once_with(LOG_PATH) assert logs == ["log1"]