Source code for chatsky.context_storages.protocol

The Protocol module contains the base code for the different communication protocols used in Chatsky.
It defines the :py:data:`.PROTOCOLS` constant, which lists all the supported protocols in Chatsky.

The module also includes a function :py:func:`.get_protocol_install_suggestion()` that is used to provide
suggestions for installing the necessary dependencies for a specific protocol.
This function takes the name of the desired protocol as an argument and returns
a string containing the necessary installation commands for that protocol.

Chatsky supports a variety of communication protocols,
which allows it to communicate with different types of databases.

import json
import pathlib

with open(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "protocols.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as protocols:
    PROTOCOLS = json.load(protocols)
_prtocol_keys = {"module", "class", "slug", "uri_example"}
assert all(set(proc.keys()) == _prtocol_keys for proc in PROTOCOLS.values()), "Protocols are incomplete"

[docs]def get_protocol_install_suggestion(protocol_name: str) -> str: """ Provide suggestions for installing the necessary dependencies for a specific protocol. :param protocol_name: Protocol name. """ protocol = PROTOCOLS.get(protocol_name, {}) slug = protocol.get("slug") if slug: return f"Try to run `pip install chatsky[{slug}]`" return ""