Web API: 3. Load testing with Locust#

This tutorial shows how to use an API endpoint created in the FastAPI tutorial in load testing.

# installing dependencies
%pip install -q chatsky locust
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.

Running Locust#

  1. Run this file directly:

    python {file_name}
  2. Run locust targeting this file:

    locust -f {file_name}
  3. Run from python:

    import sys
    from locust import main
    sys.argv = ["locust", "-f", {file_name}]

You should see the result at

Make sure that your POST endpoint is also running (run the FastAPI tutorial).

If using the FastAPI tutorial, set “Host” to, when prompted by Locust.

# this patch is only needed to run this file in IPython kernel
# and can be safely removed
import gevent.monkey

import uuid
import time
import sys

from locust import FastHttpUser, task, constant, main

from chatsky import Message
from chatsky.utils.testing import HAPPY_PATH, is_interactive_mode
class ChatskyUser(FastHttpUser):
    wait_time = constant(1)

    def check_happy_path(self, happy_path):
        Check a happy path.
        For each `(request, response)` pair in `happy_path`:
        1. Send request to the API endpoint and catch its response.
        2. Compare API response with the `response`.
           If they do not match, fail the request.

        :param happy_path:
            An iterable of tuples of
            `(Message, Message | Callable(Message->str|None) | None)`.

            If the second element is `Message`,
            check that API response matches it.

            If the second element is `None`,
            do not check the API response.

            If the second element is a `Callable`,
            call it with the API response as its argument.
            If the function returns a string,
            that string is considered an error message.
            If the function returns `None`,
            the API response is considered correct.
        user_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        for request, response in happy_path:
            request = Message.model_validate(request)
            with self.client.post(
                    "accept": "application/json",
                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
                # Name is the displayed name of the request.
            ) as candidate_response:
                text_response = Message.model_validate(

                if response is not None:
                    if callable(response):
                        error_message = response(text_response)
                        if error_message is not None:
                    elif text_response != Message.model_validate(response):
                            f"Expected: {response.model_dump_json()}\n"
                            f"Got: {text_response.model_dump_json()}"


    @task(3)  # <- this task is 3 times more likely than the other
    def dialog_1(self):

    def dialog_2(self):
        def check_first_message(msg: Message) -> str | None:
            if msg.text is None:
                return f"Message does not contain text: {msg.model_dump_json()}"
            if "Hi" not in msg.text:
                return (
                    f'"Hi" is not in the response message: '
            return None

                # a function can be used to check the return message
                ("Hi", check_first_message),
                # a None is used if return message should not be checked
                ("i'm fine, how are you?", None),
                # this should fail
                ("Hi", check_first_message),
if __name__ == "__main__":
    if is_interactive_mode():
        sys.argv = ["locust", "-f", __file__]