Web API: 1. FastAPI#

This tutorial shows how to create an API for Chatsky using FastAPI and introduces messenger interfaces.

You can see the result at

Here, CallbackMessengerInterface is used to process requests.

Message is used in creating a JSON Schema for the endpoint.

# installing dependencies
%pip install -q chatsky uvicorn fastapi
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
from chatsky.messengers.common.interface import CallbackMessengerInterface
from chatsky import Message, Pipeline
from chatsky.utils.testing import TOY_SCRIPT_KWARGS, is_interactive_mode

import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI

Messenger interfaces establish communication between users and the pipeline. They manage message channel initialization and termination as well as pipeline execution on every user request. There are two built-in messenger interface types that can be extended through inheritance:

  • PollingMessengerInterface - Starts polling for user requests in a loop upon initialization, it has following methods:

    • _request() - Method that is used to retrieve user requests from a messenger, should return list of tuples: (user request, unique dialog id).

    • _respond(responses) - Method that sends responses generated by pipeline to users through a messenger, accepts list of dialog Contexts.

    • _on_exception(e) - Method that is called when a critical exception occurs. I.e. exception from context storage or messenger interface, not a service exception.

      Such exceptions lead to the termination of the loop.

    • connect(pipeline_runner, loop, timeout) - Method that starts the polling loop.

      This method is called inside pipeline.run method.

      It accepts 3 arguments:

      • a callback that runs pipeline,

      • a function that should return True to continue polling,

      • and time to wait between loop executions.

  • CallbackMessengerInterface - Creates message channel and provides a callback for pipeline execution, it has following methods:

    • on_request(request, ctx_id) or on_request_async(request, ctx_id) - Method that should be called each time user provides new input to pipeline, returns dialog Context.

    • connect(pipeline_runner) - Method that sets pipeline_runner as a function to be called inside on_request.

      This method is called inside pipeline.run method.

You can find API reference for these classes here.

Here the default CallbackMessengerInterface is used to setup communication between the pipeline on the server side and the messenger client.

messenger_interface = CallbackMessengerInterface()
# CallbackMessengerInterface instantiating the dedicated messenger interface
pipeline = Pipeline(
    **TOY_SCRIPT_KWARGS, messenger_interface=messenger_interface
app = FastAPI()

@app.post("/chat", response_model=Message)
async def respond(
    user_id: str,
    user_message: Message,
    context = await messenger_interface.on_request_async(user_message, user_id)
    return context.last_response
if __name__ == "__main__":
    if is_interactive_mode():  # do not run this during doc building
        pipeline.run()  # runs the messenger_interface.connect method