Message Interfaces#

The Message Interfaces module contains several basic classes that define the message interfaces. These classes provide a way to define the structure of the messengers that are used to communicate with Chatsky.

class MessengerInterface[source]#

Bases: ABC

Class that represents a message interface used for communication between pipeline and users. It is responsible for connection between user and pipeline, as well as for request-response transactions.

abstract async connect(pipeline_runner)[source]#

Method invoked when message interface is instantiated and connection is established. May be used for sending an introduction message or displaying general bot information.


pipeline_runner (PipelineRunnerFunction) – A function that should process user request and return context; usually it’s a _run_pipeline() function.

class MessengerInterfaceWithAttachments(attachments_directory=None)[source]#

Bases: MessengerInterface, ABC

MessengerInterface subclass that has methods for attachment handling.


attachments_directory (Optional[Path]) – Directory where attachments will be stored. If not specified, the temporary directory will be used.

supported_request_attachment_types: set[Type[Attachment]] = {}#

Types of attachment that this messenger interface can receive. Attachments not in this list will be neglected.

supported_response_attachment_types: set[Type[Attachment]] = {}#

Types of attachment that this messenger interface can send. Attachments not in this list will be neglected.

abstract async get_attachment_bytes(source)[source]#

Get attachment bytes from file source.

E.g. if a file attachment consists of a URL of the file uploaded to the messenger servers, this method is the right place to call the messenger API for the file downloading.


source (str) – Identifying string for the file.

Return type:



The attachment bytes.

class PollingMessengerInterface[source]#

Bases: MessengerInterface

Polling message interface runs in a loop, constantly asking users for a new input.

abstract _request()[source]#

Method used for sending users request for their input.

Return type:

List[Tuple[Message, Hashable]]


A list of tuples: user inputs and context ids (any user ids) associated with the inputs.

abstract _respond(responses)[source]#

Method used for sending users responses for their last input.


responses (List[Context]) – A list of contexts, representing dialogs with the users; last_response, id and some dialog info can be extracted from there.


Method that is called on polling cycle exceptions, in some cases it should show users the exception. By default, it logs all exit exceptions to info log and all non-exit exceptions to error.


e (BaseException) – The exception.

async _polling_loop(pipeline_runner, timeout=0)[source]#

Method running the request - response cycle once.

async connect(pipeline_runner, loop=<function PollingMessengerInterface.<lambda>>, timeout=0)[source]#

Method, running a request - response cycle in a loop. The looping behavior is determined by loop and timeout, for most cases the loop itself shouldn’t be overridden.

  • pipeline_runner (PipelineRunnerFunction) – A function that should process user request and return context; usually it’s a _run_pipeline() function.

  • loop (Callable[[], bool]) – a function that determines whether polling should be continued; called in each cycle, should return True to continue polling or False to stop.

  • timeout (float) – a time interval between polls (in seconds).

class CallbackMessengerInterface[source]#

Bases: MessengerInterface

Callback message interface is waiting for user input and answers once it gets one.

async connect(pipeline_runner)[source]#

Method invoked when message interface is instantiated and connection is established. May be used for sending an introduction message or displaying general bot information.


pipeline_runner (PipelineRunnerFunction) – A function that should process user request and return context; usually it’s a _run_pipeline() function.

async on_request_async(request, ctx_id=None, update_ctx_misc=None)[source]#

Method that should be invoked on user input. This method has the same signature as PipelineRunnerFunction.

Return type:


on_request(request, ctx_id=None, update_ctx_misc=None)[source]#

Method that should be invoked on user input. This method has the same signature as PipelineRunnerFunction.

Return type:
