Standard Destinations#

This module provides basic destinations.

class FromHistory(**data)[source]#

Bases: BaseDestination

Return label of the node located at a certain position in the label history.

position: int#

Position of the label in label history.

Should be negative:

  • -1 refers to the current node (same as ctx.last_label);

  • -2 – to the previous node.

async call(ctx)[source]#

Implement this to create a custom function.

Return type:

Union[NodeLabel, str, Tuple[str, str], List[str], dict]

class Current(**data)[source]#

Bases: FromHistory

Return label of the current node.

position: int#

Position is set to -1 to get the last node.

class Previous(**data)[source]#

Bases: FromHistory

Return label of the previous node.

position: int#

Position is set to -2 to get the second to last node.

class Start(**data)[source]#

Bases: BaseDestination

Return start_label.

async call(ctx)[source]#

Implement this to create a custom function.

Return type:

Union[NodeLabel, str, Tuple[str, str], List[str], dict]

class Fallback(**data)[source]#

Bases: BaseDestination

Return fallback_label.

async call(ctx)[source]#

Implement this to create a custom function.

Return type:

Union[NodeLabel, str, Tuple[str, str], List[str], dict]

get_next_node_in_flow(node_label, ctx, *, increment=True, loop=False)[source]#

Function that returns node label of a node in the same flow after shifting the index.

  • node_label (AbsoluteNodeLabel) – Label of the node to shift from.

  • ctx (Context) – Dialog context.

  • increment (bool) – If it is True, label index is incremented by 1, otherwise it is decreased by 1.

  • loop (bool) – If it is True the iteration over the label list is going cyclically (i.e. Backward in the first node returns the last node).

Return type:



The tuple that consists of (flow_label, label, priority). If fallback is executed (flow_fallback_label, fallback_label, priority) are returned.

class Forward(**data)[source]#

Bases: BaseDestination

Return the next node relative to the current node in the current flow.

loop: bool#

Whether to return the first node of the flow if the current node is the last one. Otherwise and exception is raised (and transition is considered unsuccessful).

async call(ctx)[source]#

Implement this to create a custom function.

Return type:

Union[NodeLabel, str, Tuple[str, str], List[str], dict]

class Backward(**data)[source]#

Bases: BaseDestination

Return the previous node relative to the current node in the current flow.

loop: bool#

Whether to return the last node of the flow if the current node is the first one. Otherwise and exception is raised (and transition is considered unsuccessful).

async call(ctx)[source]#

Implement this to create a custom function.

Return type:

Union[NodeLabel, str, Tuple[str, str], List[str], dict]