class CLIMessengerInterface(intro=None, prompt_request='request: ', prompt_response='response: ', out_descriptor=None)[source]#

Bases: PollingMessengerInterface

Command line message interface is the default message interface, communicating with user via STDIN/STDOUT. This message interface can maintain dialog with one user at a time only.

supported_request_attachment_types = {}#
supported_response_attachment_types = {}#

Method used for sending users request for their input.

Return type:

List[Tuple[Message, Any]]


A list of tuples: user inputs and context ids (any user ids) associated with the inputs.


Method used for sending users responses for their last input.


responses (List[Context]) – A list of contexts, representing dialogs with the users; last_response, id and some dialog info can be extracted from there.

async connect(pipeline_runner, **kwargs)[source]#

The CLIProvider generates new dialog id used to user identification on each connect call.

  • pipeline_runner (PipelineRunnerFunction) – A function that should process user request and return context; usually it’s a _run_pipeline() function.

  • **kwargs – argument, added for compatibility with super class, it shouldn’t be used normally.