4. Groups and conditions (basic)#

The following example shows pipeline service group usage and start conditions.

Here, Services and ServiceGroups are shown for advanced data pre- and postprocessing based on conditions.

# installing dependencies
%pip install -q chatsky
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import json
import logging

from chatsky.core.service import (
from chatsky import Pipeline

from chatsky.utils.testing.common import (
from chatsky.utils.testing.toy_script import HAPPY_PATH, TOY_SCRIPT

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Pipeline can contain not only single services, but also service groups. Service groups can be defined as ServiceGroup objects: lists of Service or more ServiceGroup objects. ServiceGroup objects should contain components - a list of Service and ServiceGroup objects.

To receive serialized information about service, service group or pipeline a property info_dict can be used, it returns important object properties as a dict.

Services and service groups can be executed conditionally. Conditions are functions passed to start_condition argument. These functions should have following signature:

(ctx: Context, pipeline: Pipeline) -> bool.

Service is only executed if its start_condition returned True. By default all the services start unconditionally. There are number of built-in condition functions. Built-in condition functions check other service states. These are most important built-in condition functions:

  • always_start_condition - Default condition function, always starts service.

  • service_successful_condition(path) - Function that checks, whether service with given path executed successfully.

  • not_condition(function) - Function that returns result opposite from the one returned by the function (condition function) argument.

Here there is a conditionally executed service named never_running_service is always executed. It is executed only if always_running_service is not finished, that should never happen. The service named context_printing_service prints pipeline runtime information, that contains execution state of all previously run services.

def always_running_service(_, __, info: ServiceRuntimeInfo):
    logger.info(f"Service '{info.name}' is running...")

def never_running_service(_, __, info: ServiceRuntimeInfo):
    raise Exception(f"Oh no! The '{info.name}' service is running!")

def runtime_info_printing_service(_, __, info: ServiceRuntimeInfo):
        f"Service '{info.name}' runtime execution info:"
        f"{json.dumps(info, indent=4, default=str)}"
pipeline_dict = {
    "script": TOY_SCRIPT,
    "start_label": ("greeting_flow", "start_node"),
    "fallback_label": ("greeting_flow", "fallback_node"),
    "pre_services": Service(
        handler=always_running_service, name="always_running_service"
    "post_services": [
                )  # pre services belong to the "pre" group; post -- to "post"
pipeline = Pipeline.model_validate(pipeline_dict)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    check_happy_path(pipeline, HAPPY_PATH, printout=True)
    if is_interactive_mode():
USER: text='Hi'
BOT : text='Hi, how are you?'
USER: text='i'm fine, how are you?'
BOT : text='Good. What do you want to talk about?'
USER: text='Let's talk about music.'
BOT : text='Sorry, I can not talk about music now.'
USER: text='Ok, goodbye.'
BOT : text='bye'
USER: text='Hi'
BOT : text='Hi, how are you?'