6. Extra Handlers (basic)#

The following tutorial shows extra handlers possibilities and use cases.

Here, extra handlers BeforeHandler and AfterHandler are shown as additional means of data processing, attached to services.

# installing dependencies
%pip install -q chatsky
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import asyncio
import json
import logging
import random
from datetime import datetime

from chatsky.core.service import (
from chatsky import Context, Pipeline
from chatsky.utils.testing.common import (
from chatsky.utils.testing.toy_script import HAPPY_PATH, TOY_SCRIPT

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Extra handlers are additional function lists (before-functions and/or after-functions) that can be added to any pipeline components (service and service groups). Extra handlers main purpose should be service and service groups statistics collection. Extra handlers can be attached to pipeline component using before_handler and after_handler constructor parameter.

Here 5 heavy_services are run in single asynchronous service group. Each of them sleeps for random amount of seconds (between 0 and 0.05). To each of them (as well as to group) time measurement extra handler is attached, that writes execution time to ctx.misc. In the end ctx.misc is logged to info channel.

def collect_timestamp_before(ctx: Context, _, info: ExtraHandlerRuntimeInfo):
    ctx.misc.update({f"{info.component.name}": datetime.now()})

def collect_timestamp_after(ctx: Context, _, info: ExtraHandlerRuntimeInfo):
            f"{info.component.name}": datetime.now()
            - ctx.misc[f"{info.component.name}"]

async def heavy_service(_):
    await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(0, 5) / 100)

def logging_service(ctx: Context):
    logger.info(f"Context misc: {json.dumps(ctx.misc, indent=4, default=str)}")
pipeline_dict = {
    "script": TOY_SCRIPT,
    "start_label": ("greeting_flow", "start_node"),
    "fallback_label": ("greeting_flow", "fallback_node"),
    "pre_services": ServiceGroup(
                "handler": heavy_service,
                "before_handler": [collect_timestamp_before],
                "after_handler": [collect_timestamp_after],
                "handler": heavy_service,
                "before_handler": [collect_timestamp_before],
                "after_handler": [collect_timestamp_after],
                "handler": heavy_service,
                "before_handler": [collect_timestamp_before],
                "after_handler": [collect_timestamp_after],
                "handler": heavy_service,
                "before_handler": [collect_timestamp_before],
                "after_handler": [collect_timestamp_after],
                "handler": heavy_service,
                "before_handler": [collect_timestamp_before],
                "after_handler": [collect_timestamp_after],
    "post_services": logging_service,
pipeline = Pipeline(**pipeline_dict)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    check_happy_path(pipeline, HAPPY_PATH, printout=True)
    if is_interactive_mode():
USER: text='Hi'
BOT : text='Hi, how are you?'
USER: text='i'm fine, how are you?'
BOT : text='Good. What do you want to talk about?'
USER: text='Let's talk about music.'
BOT : text='Sorry, I can not talk about music now.'
USER: text='Ok, goodbye.'
BOT : text='bye'
USER: text='Hi'
BOT : text='Hi, how are you?'