Telegram: 6. Conditions Extras#

This tutorial shows how to use additional update filters inherited from the pytelegrambotapi library.

telegram_condition function and different types of UpdateType are used for telegram message type checking.

# installing dependencies
%pip install -q dff[telegram]
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import os

from dff.script import TRANSITIONS, RESPONSE, GLOBAL
import dff.script.conditions as cnd
from dff.messengers.telegram import (
from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
from dff.utils.testing.common import is_interactive_mode

In our Telegram module, we adopted the system of filters available in the pytelegrambotapi library.

Aside from MESSAGE you can use other triggers to interact with the api. In this tutorial, we use handlers of other type as global conditions that trigger a response from the bot.

Here, we use the following triggers:

  • chat_join_request: join request is sent to the chat where the bot is.

  • my_chat_member: triggered when the bot is invited to a chat.

  • inline_query: triggered when an inline query is being sent to the bot.

The other available conditions are:

  • channel_post: new post is created in a channel the bot is subscribed to;

  • edited_channel_post: post is edited in a channel the bot is subscribed to;

  • shipping_query: shipping query is sent by the user;

  • pre_checkout_query: order confirmation is sent by the user;

  • poll: poll is sent to the chat;

  • poll_answer: users answered the poll sent by the bot.

You can read more on those in the Telegram documentation or in the docs for the telebot library.

script = {
    GLOBAL: {
        TRANSITIONS: {
            ("greeting_flow", "node1"): cnd.any(
                    # say hi when invited to a chat
                        func=lambda x: True,
                    # say hi when someone enters the chat
                        func=lambda x: True,
            # send a message when inline query is received
            ("greeting_flow", "node2"): telegram_condition(
    "greeting_flow": {
        "start_node": {
            TRANSITIONS: {
                "node1": telegram_condition(commands=["start", "restart"])
        "node1": {
            RESPONSE: TelegramMessage(text="Hi"),
            TRANSITIONS: {"start_node": cnd.true()},
        "node2": {
            RESPONSE: TelegramMessage(text="Inline query received."),
            TRANSITIONS: {"start_node": cnd.true()},
        "fallback_node": {
            RESPONSE: TelegramMessage(text="Ooops"),
interface = PollingTelegramInterface(token=os.environ["TG_BOT_TOKEN"])
pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(
    start_label=("greeting_flow", "start_node"),
    fallback_label=("greeting_flow", "fallback_node"),

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__" and is_interactive_mode():
    # prevent run during doc building