1. Cache#

In this tutorial use of cache function is demonstrated.

This function is used a lot like functools.cache function and helps by saving results of heavy function execution and avoiding recalculation.

Caches are kept in a library-wide singleton and are cleared at the end of each turn.

# installing dependencies
%pip install -q dff
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
from dff.script.conditions import true
from dff.script import Context, TRANSITIONS, RESPONSE, Message
from dff.script.labels import repeat
from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
from dff.utils.turn_caching import cache
from dff.utils.testing.common import (

external_data = {"counter": 0}
def cached_response(_):
    This function execution result will be saved
    for any set of given argument(s).
    If the function will be called again
    with the same arguments it will prevent it from execution.
    The cached values will be used instead.
    The cache is stored in a library-wide singleton,
    that is cleared in the end of execution of actor and/or pipeline.
    external_data["counter"] += 1
    return external_data["counter"]

def response(ctx: Context, _, *__, **___) -> Message:
    if ctx.validation:
        return Message()
    return Message(
toy_script = {
    "flow": {"node1": {TRANSITIONS: {repeat(): true()}, RESPONSE: response}}

happy_path = (
    (Message(), Message("1-2-1-2")),
    (Message(), Message("3-4-3-4")),
    (Message(), Message("5-6-5-6")),

pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(toy_script, start_label=("flow", "node1"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
    check_happy_path(pipeline, happy_path)
    if is_interactive_mode():
(user) >>>
 (bot) <<< text='1-2-1-2'
(user) >>>
 (bot) <<< text='3-4-3-4'
(user) >>>
 (bot) <<< text='5-6-5-6'