Responses: 3. Media#

Here, Attachments class is shown. Attachments can be used for attaching different media elements (such as Image, Document or Audio).

They can be attached to any message but will only work if the chosen messenger interface supports them.

# installing dependencies
%pip install -q dff
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
from dff.script import RESPONSE, TRANSITIONS
from dff.script.conditions import std_conditions as cnd

from dff.script.core.message import Attachments, Image, Message

from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
from dff.utils.testing import (
img_url = ""
toy_script = {
    "root": {
        "start": {
            RESPONSE: Message(""),
            TRANSITIONS: {("pics", "ask_picture"): cnd.true()},
        "fallback": {
            RESPONSE: Message(
                text="Final node reached, send any message to restart."
            TRANSITIONS: {("pics", "ask_picture"): cnd.true()},
    "pics": {
        "ask_picture": {
            RESPONSE: Message("Please, send me a picture url"),
            TRANSITIONS: {
                ("pics", "send_one", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"^http.+\.png$"),
                ("pics", "send_many", 1.0): cnd.regexp(
                    f"{img_url} repeat 10 times"
                ("pics", "repeat", 0.9): cnd.true(),
        "send_one": {
            RESPONSE: Message(
                text="here's my picture!",
            TRANSITIONS: {("root", "fallback"): cnd.true()},
        "send_many": {
            RESPONSE: Message(
                text="Look at my pictures",
                attachments=Attachments(files=[Image(source=img_url)] * 10),
            TRANSITIONS: {("root", "fallback"): cnd.true()},
        "repeat": {
            RESPONSE: Message(
                text="I cannot find the picture. Please, try again."
            TRANSITIONS: {
                ("pics", "send_one", 1.1): cnd.regexp(r"^http.+\.png$"),
                ("pics", "send_many", 1.0): cnd.regexp(
                    r"^http.+\.png repeat 10 times"
                ("pics", "repeat", 0.9): cnd.true(),

happy_path = (
    (Message("Hi"), Message("Please, send me a picture url")),
        Message("I cannot find the picture. Please, try again."),
            text="here's my picture!",
        Message("Final node reached, send any message to restart."),
    (Message("ok"), Message("Please, send me a picture url")),
        Message(f"{img_url} repeat 10 times"),
            text="Look at my pictures",
            attachments=Attachments(files=[Image(source=img_url)] * 10),
        Message("Final node reached, send any message to restart."),
pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(
    start_label=("root", "start"),
    fallback_label=("root", "fallback"),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    check_happy_path(pipeline, happy_path)
    if is_interactive_mode():
(user) >>> text='Hi'
 (bot) <<< text='Please, send me a picture url'
(user) >>> text='no'
 (bot) <<< text='I cannot find the picture. Please, try again.'
(user) >>> text=''
 (bot) <<< text='here's my picture!' attachments='{'files': [{'source': Url('')}]}'
(user) >>> text='ok'
 (bot) <<< text='Final node reached, send any message to restart.'
(user) >>> text='ok'
 (bot) <<< text='Please, send me a picture url'
(user) >>> text=' repeat 10 times'
 (bot) <<< text='Look at my pictures' attachments='{'files': [{'source': Url('')}, {'source': Url('')}, {'source': Url('')}, {'source': Url('')}, {'source': Url('')}, {'source': Url('')}, {'source': Url('')}, {'source': Url('')}, {'source': Url('')}, {'source': Url('')}]}'
(user) >>> text='ok'
 (bot) <<< text='Final node reached, send any message to restart.'