Web API: 3. Load testing with Locust#

This tutorial shows how to use an API endpoint created in the FastAPI tutorial in load testing.

# installing dependencies
%pip install -q dff locust
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.

Running Locust#

  1. Run this file directly:

    python {file_name}
  2. Run locust targeting this file:

    locust -f {file_name}
  3. Run from python:

    import sys
    from locust import main
    sys.argv = ["locust", "-f", {file_name}]

You should see the result at

Make sure that your POST endpoint is also running (run the FastAPI tutorial).

# this patch is only needed to run this file in IPython kernel
# and can be safely removed
import gevent.monkey

import uuid
import time
import sys

from locust import FastHttpUser, task, constant, main

from dff.script import Message
from dff.utils.testing import HAPPY_PATH, is_interactive_mode
class DFFUser(FastHttpUser):
    wait_time = constant(1)

    def check_happy_path(self, happy_path):
        Check a happy path.
        For each `(request, response)` pair in `happy_path`:
        1. Send request to the API endpoint and catch its response.
        2. Compare API response with the `response`.
           If they do not match, fail the request.

        :param happy_path:
            An iterable of tuples of
            `(Message, Message | Callable(Message->str|None) | None)`.

            If the second element is `Message`,
            check that API response matches it.

            If the second element is `None`,
            do not check the API response.

            If the second element is a `Callable`,
            call it with the API response as its argument.
            If the function returns a string,
            that string is considered an error message.
            If the function returns `None`,
            the API response is considered correct.
        user_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        for request, response in happy_path:
            with self.client.post(
                    "accept": "application/json",
                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
                # Name is the displayed name of the request.
            ) as candidate_response:
                text_response = Message.model_validate(

                if response is not None:
                    if callable(response):
                        error_message = response(text_response)
                        if error_message is not None:
                    elif text_response != response:
                            f"Expected: {response.model_dump_json()}\n"
                            f"Got: {text_response.model_dump_json()}"


    @task(3)  # <- this task is 3 times more likely than the other
    def dialog_1(self):

    def dialog_2(self):
        def check_first_message(msg: Message) -> str | None:
            if msg.text is None:
                return f"Message does not contain text: {msg.model_dump_json()}"
            if "Hi" not in msg.text:
                return (
                    f'"Hi" is not in the response message: '
            return None

                # a function can be used to check the return message
                (Message("Hi"), check_first_message),
                # a None is used if return message should not be checked
                (Message("i'm fine, how are you?"), None),
                # this should fail
                (Message("Hi"), check_first_message),
if __name__ == "__main__":
    if is_interactive_mode():
        sys.argv = ["locust", "-f", __file__]