Responses: 1. Basics#

Here, the process of response forming is shown. Special keywords RESPONSE and TRANSITIONS are used for that.

# installing dependencies
%pip install -q dff
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
from typing import NamedTuple

from dff.script import Message
from dff.script.conditions import exact_match
from dff.script import RESPONSE, TRANSITIONS
from dff.pipeline import Pipeline
from dff.utils.testing import (
toy_script = {
    "greeting_flow": {
        "start_node": {
            RESPONSE: Message(""),
            TRANSITIONS: {"node1": exact_match(Message("Hi"))},
        "node1": {
            RESPONSE: Message("Hi, how are you?"),
            TRANSITIONS: {
                "node2": exact_match(Message("i'm fine, how are you?"))
        "node2": {
            RESPONSE: Message("Good. What do you want to talk about?"),
            TRANSITIONS: {
                "node3": exact_match(Message("Let's talk about music."))
        "node3": {
            RESPONSE: Message("Sorry, I can not talk about music now."),
            TRANSITIONS: {"node4": exact_match(Message("Ok, goodbye."))},
        "node4": {
            RESPONSE: Message("bye"),
            TRANSITIONS: {"node1": exact_match(Message("Hi"))},
        "fallback_node": {
            RESPONSE: Message("Ooops"),
            TRANSITIONS: {"node1": exact_match(Message("Hi"))},

happy_path = (
    (Message("Hi"), Message("Hi, how are you?")),
        Message("i'm fine, how are you?"),
        Message("Good. What do you want to talk about?"),
        Message("Let's talk about music."),
        Message("Sorry, I can not talk about music now."),
    (Message("Ok, goodbye."), Message("bye")),
    (Message("Hi"), Message("Hi, how are you?")),
    (Message("stop"), Message("Ooops")),
    (Message("stop"), Message("Ooops")),
    (Message("Hi"), Message("Hi, how are you?")),
        Message("i'm fine, how are you?"),
        Message("Good. What do you want to talk about?"),
        Message("Let's talk about music."),
        Message("Sorry, I can not talk about music now."),
    (Message("Ok, goodbye."), Message("bye")),
class CallbackRequest(NamedTuple):
    payload: str
pipeline = Pipeline.from_script(
    start_label=("greeting_flow", "start_node"),
    fallback_label=("greeting_flow", "fallback_node"),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    )  # This is a function for automatic tutorial running
    # (testing) with `happy_path`

    # This runs tutorial in interactive mode if not in IPython env
    # and if `DISABLE_INTERACTIVE_MODE` is not set
    if is_interactive_mode():
        run_interactive_mode(pipeline)  # This runs tutorial in interactive mode
(user) >>> text='Hi'
 (bot) <<< text='Hi, how are you?'
(user) >>> text='i'm fine, how are you?'
 (bot) <<< text='Good. What do you want to talk about?'
(user) >>> text='Let's talk about music.'
 (bot) <<< text='Sorry, I can not talk about music now.'
(user) >>> text='Ok, goodbye.'
 (bot) <<< text='bye'
(user) >>> text='Hi'
 (bot) <<< text='Hi, how are you?'
(user) >>> text='stop'
 (bot) <<< text='Ooops'
(user) >>> text='stop'
 (bot) <<< text='Ooops'
(user) >>> text='Hi'
 (bot) <<< text='Hi, how are you?'
(user) >>> text='i'm fine, how are you?'
 (bot) <<< text='Good. What do you want to talk about?'
(user) >>> text='Let's talk about music.'
 (bot) <<< text='Sorry, I can not talk about music now.'
(user) >>> text='Ok, goodbye.'
 (bot) <<< text='bye'