
autointent.metrics.retrieval.retrieval_map(query_labels, candidates_labels, k=None)#

Calculate the mean average precision at position k.

The Mean Average Precision (MAP) is computed as the average of the average precision (AP) scores for all queries. The average precision for a single query computes the precision at each rank position considering the top-k retrieved items.

MAP is given by:

\[\text{MAP} = \frac{1}{Q} \sum_{q=1}^{Q} \text{AP}(q, c, k)\]

where: - \(Q\) is the total number of queries, - \(\text{AP}(q, c, k)\) is the average precision for the \(q\)-th query, calculated considering the true labels for that query \(q\), the ranked candidate labels \(c\), and the number k which determines the number of top items to consider.

  • query_labels (autointent.metrics.custom_types.LABELS_VALUE_TYPE) – For each query, this list contains its class labels

  • candidates_labels (autointent.metrics.custom_types.CANDIDATE_TYPE) – For each query, these lists contain class labels of items ranked by a retrieval model (from most to least relevant)

  • k (int | None) – Number of top items to consider for each query


Score of the retrieval metric

Return type:
