- class autointent.modules.scoring.DescriptionScorer(embedder_name, temperature=1.0, embedder_device='cpu', batch_size=32, max_length=None, embedder_use_cache=False)#
Scoring module that scores utterances based on similarity to intent descriptions.
DescriptionScorer embeds both the utterances and the intent descriptions, then computes a similarity score between the two, using either cosine similarity and softmax.
- Variables:
weights_file_name – Filename for saving the description vectors (description_vectors.npy).
embedder – The embedder used to generate embeddings for utterances and descriptions.
precomputed_embeddings – Flag indicating whether precomputed embeddings are used.
embedding_model_subdir – Directory for storing the embedder’s model files.
_vector_index – Internal vector index used when embeddings are precomputed.
db_dir – Directory path where the vector database is stored.
name – Name of the scorer, defaults to “description”.
- Parameters:
- embedder: autointent.Embedder#
- name = 'description'#
- temperature = 1.0#
- embedder_device = 'cpu'#
- embedder_name#
- batch_size = 32#
- max_length = None#
- embedder_use_cache = False#
- classmethod from_context(context, temperature, embedder_name=None)#
Create a DescriptionScorer instance using a Context object.
- Parameters:
context (autointent.Context) – Context containing configurations and utilities.
temperature (float) – Temperature parameter for scaling logits.
embedder_name (str | None) – Name of the embedder model. If None, the best embedder is used.
- Returns:
Initialized DescriptionScorer instance.
- Return type:
- fit(utterances, labels, descriptions)#
Fit the scorer by embedding utterances and descriptions.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
ValueError – If descriptions contain None values or embeddings mismatch utterances.
- Return type:
- predict(utterances)#
Predict scores for utterances based on similarity to intent descriptions.
- clear_cache()#
Clear cached data in memory used by the embedder.
- Return type: